HomeFAQ EnWhat is organic certification ?

What is organic certification ?

When you launch your cosmetics brand, do you want your consumers to know that your products are guaranteed natural and authentic? If so, you might want to consider “Agriculture Biologique” [Organic Agriculture] certification. This is a European label, awarded by the French Ministry of Agriculture, which certifies the quality of your products, as coming from organic farming.
Let’s take a closer look at what Agriculture Biologique (AB) certification entails, the criteria it’s based on, and who awards it.

History of the Agriculture Bio label

The “Agriculture Biologique” (AB) certification is a French quality label created in 1985 and defined and managed by the French Ministry of Agriculture. It was created at the instigation of
the French Agency for the Development and Promotion of Organic Agriculture, also known as the “Agence Bio”.
Since 1 January 2009, the criteria that must be met have been aligned with the EU Organic label, which is slightly less restrictive than the original label. (see criteria below).

What is Agriculture Biologique?

The AB sign is one of the official EU quality signs, put into place and designed to reassure consumers that the products come from a method that:

  • respects the environment
  • respects biodiversity
  • ensures a high level of animal welfare

In France, the INAO (National Institute of Origin and Quality) oversees the implementation of European organic farming regulations through approved certifying organisations.

What are the criteria for organic certification?

Only raw and processed products derived from organic farming can be certified organic and therefore display the EU Organic logo and AB trademark on their packaging (see official logo below).

organic label official logo

What guarantees does organic certification provide?

Any product with organic certification (AB label – EU Organic Logo), signals to the final consumer that:

  • At least 95% of that product’s ingredients have been produced by organic production methods, using agronomic and livestock farming practices that respect natural balances, the environment, and animal welfare.
  • The cosmetic product complies with current French laws and regulations.
  • Certification is carried out by an organisation approved by two French public authorities – the INAO and COFRAC (the French accreditation committee), meeting the criteria of independence, impartiality, competence, and efficiency as defined by European standard EN 17065.

What are the advantages of organic certification for the end consumer?

  • They are guaranteed that AB certified cosmetic products are natural, respectful of the environment and animal welfare and have not been produced using synthetic chemicals, or GMOs.
  • They are also guaranteed that AB-certified cosmetic products have been audited by an INAO approved body.
  • The EU Organic logo and AB trademark are easily recognisable and enjoy a positive image in Europe where product quality is valued.

Which organisations are authorized to award “Organic Agriculture” certification?

A number of organisations are authorised to award organic certification. These are:

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