HomeFAQ EnHow long does it take to develop a cosmetic product concept?

How long does it take to develop a cosmetic product (from concept to launch)?

Want to launch your own cosmetics brand but don’t know where to start, or what steps need to be taken to develop a product from concept to launch? Here at Pôle Cosmétique, we’ll take care of every step, from A to Z.
From project setup to market entry, here are the 6 key steps involved in creating a cosmetic product.

cosmetic product conception stage

Step 1: Project management

    Before product design can begin, our laboratory needs you to provide specifications, namely:

  • What is your target market?
  • What should your product do?
  • Where will the product be applied?
  • What claimed effects will appear on the product?
  • Which ingredients should be specifically highlighted?
  • What are your requirements regarding the product’s naturalness?
  • Will your product contain any organically grown ingredients?
  • Will your product contain any Fair Trade ingredients?
  • What kind of scent do you want your product to have?
  • What will its nominal content be?
  • What price do you want to charge given your target market?
  • What is your timeframe for market launch?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you can draw up a schedule and assess your project’s feasibility (economic, technical, and regulatory).

Step 2: Concept

Once you’ve finalised your specifications, you can move onto the creative phase of product design. This step involves:

  • Researching the raw materials to be used in your product.
  • Determining your product’s formulation.
  • Developing prototypes to provide a solid base to which active ingredients can be added.
  • Refining your product’s formulation to obtain your desired texture, scent and effectiveness.

Step 3: Testing and approval

This step involves carrying out a series of tests so that your formula can be approved. These are:

  • Stability test
  • Preservation test
  • Physico-chemical tests
  • Safety tests
  • Efficacy tests

These tests will make it possible to label your products, verify their lifetime stability, ensure their safety, and prove their efficacy.

Step 4: Regulations

This step concerns all regulatory issues relating to your product. These are:

  • Formulating the regulatory and commercial labelling information that will appear on the packaging and container,
  • Preparing the PIF (Product Information File) which must specify:
    • Identity of the Responsible Person
    • Product formula
    • Raw materials assessment
    • Efficacy tests
    • Product Safety Report written up by an expert toxicologist, etc.

To find out more about the PIF, please see question 5 “What is a PIF?”

Step 5: Manufacturing

Manufacturing is the last step before you launch your products on the market. It comprises:

  • Sourcing your raw materials
  • Sourcing your packaging materials
  • Product production planning
  • Pilot batch testing
  • Starting production

Please note: Don’t forget to register your products on the Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP) before their market launch.

Step 6: Delivery and market launch

Ta-da! Spotlight on your products! Now it’s time to deliver your products to your distributors, provide information on your product launch and organise any advertising campaigns on social and other media you may want to run.

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